Oltre 30 anni di esperienza
Esperienza, creatività e serietà
Per creare spazi su misura per te


Building Information Modeling

Oftentimes physical and functional essence of any construction project needs to be represented digitally, in a 3D model format. In...

Construction Services

Our customers love the pace/quality tempo that we show during each of the principal construction processes! We're comfortable with any...

Pre-construction Services

We take our time on initial planning before any construction begins, to balance all the financial and efficiency issues beforehand.This...


If a project is not too complex, we may hire a designer-builder type of contractor, to make the longevity of...

Construction Management

Construction project management is essential. We're using the most time and iterations efficient life cycles for that.As you may know,...

General Contracting

We have a long list of professional contractors, whom our engineers and architects enjoy to work with on a majority...

Our History

Our construction company has been founded 10 years ago, at the very peak of the building frenzy in the US…

Since then we’ve built hundreds of commercial, government and private buildings and facilities. It may not sound like a lot, but if you estimate the manpower, working hours, materials, planning and correlating that were all involved in completing each separate project, then our productivity is immense!




It’s probably the most diverse category of construction to work in. But we’ve got experience…

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Cultural / Lifestyle

Cultural / Lifestyle

Working on a socially important building, such as a park involves additional landscape construction expertise.…

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Data / Technology

Data / Technology

While building a head quarters building for an IT company is relatively easy, we’ve also…

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Educational institutions can be much more creative, than your regular school or a college campus!…

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Government / Military

Government / Military

The US military and States governments used our expertise and manpower to build numerous military-grade,…

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We can build any healthcare type of building. From a small private medical clinic to…

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Manufacturing / Industrial

Manufacturing / Industrial

Building a manufacturing facility or a factory house can be much more challenging, than building…

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Warehouse / Logistics

Warehouse / Logistics

While building a warehouse for an e-store is no easy feat itself, think about building…

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Recent News

Future proofing hospitals

Future proofing hospitals

By improving the physical layout of hospitals and medical facilities, we can enhance and increase safety mechanisms, improve care, and…
Bike parts warehouse, DE

Bike parts warehouse, DE

Delaware proved to be a very friendly place to work at… While invited there for completing a mid-sized warehouse for…
Joy Hotel & Casino

Joy Hotel & Casino

This hotel & casino complex is our most recent completed building… The whole structure that took us 6 months to…